Saturday, March 31, 2007

Boots and TTC!

So- our Rack Room shoes is closing!! We checked out their sales and Hanna found the cutest boots ever! They were the right size for next year and we just had to buy them. Take a look, are these not the cutest in the world?

Joe is out mowing the grass right now and Hanna is napping. She is still not feeling very well and was tired out from shopping at the mall today. I am working this evening to fill in for Autumn (her uncle passed away) but hope to get off early and spend some time with Joe. It won't be long before we are in full "trying to conceive mode". This month I am the next higher dosage of clomid. So everyone cross your fingers, pray, wish me luck, rub buddha's belly or wahtever you do for good luck for us ok?!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ready for Easter

We made Easter crafts today! A braclet and necklace with the cutsest stuff. Hanna was even able to use the plastic needle to feed the flowers, bunnies and chics on, I was impressed. We have been laying low this week because Hanna caught the cold Molly and Mackenzie had, but she seems to be less congested today. I think we might take her to go see Happy Feet tonight, which she has been beggign to do since it came out. Hope its a good one! Have a great day all....more later.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

~A weekend with The Nord's!~

We had our favorite visitors this weekend. Jen, Brad, Molly, Mackenzie, Kevin and Corey Nord all came! They were in town for a St. Mary's ring day party and got a room at Hotel Walker. The girls were all giggles, hugs and screams to see each other and have a slumber party in the play room. Here are some pictures of the world's cutest children:)

Back to the daily grind since the visit. Cleaning, laundry etc.....ah well, thus is my life.
Getting excited about Easter and our "vacation" to North Carolina though!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Hanna got a big girl bike!

Last night we decided to look at big girl bikes for Hanna...we ended up buying one too! She got a 16" Disney Little Mermaid bike and matching helmet, it was literally the cutest thing in the whole world. She rode a few all down the aisles of Toys R Us and then had to beg us for the Mermaid one which was $10.00 more than all of the others. We decided to go ahead and spend the extra since we are no longer buying the new playground. Joe and his dad think they will be able to spruce up my sister and I's old one and we live 2 minutes from 2 beautiful parks. So- the money could be better spent somewhere else, like on our many wedding trips this summer:) Hanna adores her new bike and we know it was a great choice, she will get many years of use out it.

Today (in between sprinkles) we took the bike out for a spin all over the neighborhood! Our neighbors Cathy and Monica even came over to see. We have had such a wonderful day. I am off to work this evening and Hanna and daddy are off to our niece Ashley's baby shower. We will to bed early because The Nord's are coming tomorrow!!! Have a wonderful weekend all!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Present Shopping.....

Hanna and I have been running around town the past couple of days! Yesterday was ballet class and her recital costume came in!! Oh- they are so beautiful- I am still on the fence about whether they are $68 beautiful- but I digress....then we were off to Kohl's. It is nearly impossible to find the right present for our niece Ashley's baby shower. They did not find out the sex of the baby and did not register, I am not a big fan of gift cards so I was hoping Kohl's would have IT. No such luck.... any suggestions?

Today we went to the Mall to find more presents and didn't have much luck there either. But we got to eat lunch in the food court and Hanna loves the food court:) She is napping now and I am going to look up a few recipes online for dinner!

* In other news*
I just found out that my friend Darrell Trueblood was sent to Iraq. Although we don't talk much anymore and he and my dear friend Crystle have broken up, we have known each other since high school and I have always considered him a very good friend. It is strange to really know someone over there. I just wanted to ask you all to pray for his safe return! Thank you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Storytime Days are the best!

Hanna and I had story time this morning and had a wonderful time. Her new girlfriend Jayden was there and all the stories were about Spring!! I can't is almost here I can feel it! They made sunflowers today and I thought it was so cute! (see a picture below) We might hang out with Aunt Amy today, she has a day off and I feel like I should get a jump start on all of the various shower presents I have to buy. In the next 6 weeks we have 3 bridal showers and a 2 baby showers! Oy! I hope if I space all the presents out it will feel like I spent less money:) Hanna and I also need to stay on top of house cleaning this week, because The Nords are coming to town on Saturday. Here's Hanna's beautiful sunflower to inspire you....

Monday, March 19, 2007

Packed weekend!!

Whew! I am glad our crazy weekend is over but, boy did we have fun! After getting over my cold I was amped to get things done over the we ripped up the carpet in the living room and to our pleasure discovered the hard wood underneath looks amazing. Joe and I spent most of our Saturday pulling all the old carpet staples up.

I worked Saturday evening, Hanna and Joe came in for pizza and she went to Aunt Christina's for part of the night. Then it was off to Rafters for some St. Patricks Day karaoke! I haven't been out for St. Patty's in YEARS...and man did we celebrate:)

Sunday was wonderful even though I was so tired. We traveled to Peru to visit my best friend Jen and her newly expanded family! March 9th she had twin boys Kevin and Corey, in addition to her two girls Molly (3) and Mackenzie (2). They are absoltuely perfect, she and Brad, ofourse, are doing wonderfully! It was nice relaxing and catching up while Hanna had a blast playing with her best friends! (Pictures of the twins to come!)
Back to normal today, laundry day and grocery shopping...... have a great Monday everyone.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Walk in the Park~

Yesterday Hanna and I had a wonderful time. Storytime in the morning was filled with stories about St. Patricks Day and Hanna made her own Shamrock. Then we met my friend LeeAnn and her two kids Jaden (3 1/2) and Cassidy (10 months) at Dobbs Park for some play time and a nice walk by thier pond. A day of fun and exercise- can't beat it! Here are some cute pics.....

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Perfect Day!

On Sunday we found ourselves with nothing to do and became inspired by the beautiful weather here in Indiana, so we took a drive to Nashville. We walked and shopped, played, laughed, ate and even took a carriage ride through their beautiful down town. I could not have asked for a better day. I did not even buy anything for myself (shocked- I know) Hanna was an excellent girl and got a new stuffed kitty cat, and we bought some fun nostalgic candy and some special treats for Daisy. Looking forward to another week of wonderful weather to inspire us!

At the speed of Life!!

Hello All! After saying I would do this for so long- here we go. A small peek into The Walker life. Just a chance to keep everyone updated on news and happenings. Time is flying by, Hanna is growing like a weed and we just don't get a chance to catch up with everyone as much as we wish we could. I hope this serves as a great way to keep in touch and always be a part of our ever growing group of friends and family! If I find the time I hope to post daily so check back often and know we are always thinking about all of you!