Friday, July 27, 2007

Locks of Love!

Hello All!
In keeping with my "change is good" attitude, last week I had 7 and 1/2 inches of my hair cut off and donated it to locks of love! I now have a new look and a lot more time in the morning and I love it!! My hair was my little safety net and I don't want to sound cheesy but that was a big step for, bring on the new me!!!

*Also, just as importantly Hanna got her very first cut as well. She was so exited about it and was wonderful during the cut. Nothing major just an inch or so of "dead ends". Here are her pictures....thank you to Danna, my friend and stylist at Medusa's, I have so much trust in her;)

So, other than that we just wrapped up Joe's brothers wedding and are focused on Hanna's 4th birthday party is a Strawberry shortcake party and she is SO excited! Off to finish cleaning for the party!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Busy, Busy!

I thought we wouldn't be as busy after our move to Plainfield, boy were we wrong! Last week we had a wonderful surprise visit from my cousin Heidi and her family! We decided it would be great to take all the girls to the zoo. Hanna just adores her...hmmm, 2nd cousins, I believe. The weather was perfect and Hanna loved their new shark petting exhibit. Here are some pictures..

Saturday my college friend Annemarie (Schuster) Hohne was in town from Washington and through and interesting turn of events, we ended up having a little Woodsie reunion at our house so everyone could see her. Joe broke in his new grill and we let the kids run loose on the new swing set. What a treat to get all the girls together! I hadn't seen Anne since Hanna was a baby. And my two favorite families, The Nord's and The Kopetski's even made the trip too! After the cook out we headed to my girlfriend Autumn's birthday in Terre Haute, stayed over at Cassie and Dutin's and in the morning grabbed the last few things from the old house....whew! This weekend we will be back in Terre Haute for Brandi's bridal shower and Joe will be throwing his brother Jake's bachelor party. Hope everyone is having a great week
thus far....

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Finally! Pictures of the new house!!

Ok, so many of you have asked to see pictures of the new house so I finally remembered to take some. Everything has been going very smoothly since the move and we are all just so happy to be here. As of now we are unpacking our last 5 boxes or so and preparing to paint. I love all the colors downstairs but upstairs is a different story;) So, enjoy, hopefully you will be able to see it in person soon...just a reminder Hanna's birthday party is coming up August 4th!

The House!

Family Room

Dining Room


Master Bedroom

Vaulted ceilings and planter shelf
in Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom
It is so glorious!

My new favorite place!

Hanna (and Daisy's) new favorite place!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Tomorrow is the day!

Hello to everyone- wanted to take a break from the packing to let you all know that tomorrow is moving day! I can't even believe how fast it has come upon us, we were so busy and now the time has flown. Everything, although slightly hectic, just feels so right and we are so excited! Hanna has no worries and tells everyone we meet that we are moving and invites them all to come visit us:) I am glad that she is very emotionally strong. So, anyway this is my last post before becoming a resident of Plainfield, we are not exactly sure when we will get the computer up but I would say by Monday, so if you need me before then please try my cell or our new home number.

*Quickly, I would like to apologize to my friends whom I have rarely seen in the past month or so. Those of you who know my situation know why, but I wanted to let you all know that I have missed you and will do much better at seeing and keeping in touch with all of you after we are far away from the sadness, anger and resentment and I can move on with my life. I am most sorry to my dear friends LeeAnn, Leah and Liz- I feel as if I have not talked to them in ages and I am so very sorry. I hope you all 3 know how much I love you! And to everyone else....

For all of your support and love. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you as my friend!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

~Happy 4th Of July!~

Hello all we have had a busy but fun week so far. We took a break from packing yesterday and cleaned out the van, and it was so nice out we decided we would throw our suites on and wash it too! Hanna and I had a stress free afternoon playing in the sprinkler and picking on Daisy.

Later we got a surprise call from The Nord's who were on their way home from St. Louis (Cardinals game!!) and would be in Terre Haute for dinner. We were all so excited to get to see them, that is the best kind of surprise, seeing our favorite people in the world ;0) After dinner, Joe, Hanna, Amy and I all went to see the fireworks at The Elks Country Club- they were wonderful and now we don;t have to try and stay up late tonight (since Joe has to work). Here are some fun pictures you all might like! Have a safe and happy 4th and GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

How adorable is this....?!

The final wedding of June...and our farewell bash!!

So, Saturday was the last wedding we have all the way until Jake's, July 28th. Our third wedding in so many weekends was so much fun! Brent and Joe have been friends for years and he was a groomsmen in our wedding as well. Joe got to return the favor, and he looked dashing in his tux, might I say! Hanna had such a wonderful time dancing with a sweet little boy named Trenton. We are excited to have a break from dressing up and buying wedding presents for at least a few weeks so we can actually concentrate on packing and moving! Here are some pictures of the wedding...

We also went out Friday night with a bunch of our friends and Amy to celebrate our move and her 30th birthday!! We sure went out in style, late night and lots of beer later we had just the best time with our Rafter's crew. Thank you to all who came to help celebrate....I love you!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

We officially own a home in Plainfield!

We closed on our home in Plainfield on Friday! We even got money BACK at closing!! Enough to even buy some new furniture which we have been wanting, I can't tell you how great we feel about everything right now. It truly seems as if it was meant to be. From day one everything went smoothly and quickly and we feel such a sense of ease and confidence that we are truly doing the right thing. Just wanted to share our great news. We are moving some things on the 4th of July because Joe is of course off work and are taking the U-haul with it all on Saturday...we are sooo excited. Also, if you don't yet have our new address let me know- I may not have your email address.