Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! We are hosting both of our families today, over 40 people will be celebrating with us!!!! It will be a crazy, crowded, fun time. I am so thankful that both my mom and dad are both healthy and able to come celebrate with us !We are so blessed and thankful for family and friends, and all that we have.....wishing you all the same!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Happy Monday!

We slowed down, snuggled up and had a great day yesterday...
Our only goal of the day was to give our sweet dog, Daisy a bath. Mission accomplished!! Hanna LOVES to help out when it comes to Daisy!

Look at that face!!

Squeaky clean!

Then we thought we would make some cookies. Hanna wanted to make up her own recipe and I was having a "yes" why not? We made Oatmeal, Peanut Butter, Brown Sugar, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies- and boy were they were good!! She loves to cook with me, which is nice, I don't remember doing that, much with my mom when I was younger.

And as if we weren't having a good enough day- we looked out and saw this.....

The first snow!!! It didn't stick at all, but it made us so happy. It is the simple things that make us really smile, I am so thankful for my happy girl, happy dog and Happy Monday!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Getting Involved!!

It is hard to believe that we have lived here for well over a year now, and with everyday that passes we try our best to get involved in our community. I am now taking that to a new level...I will be serving on the board for our neighborhood homeowners association! I am very excited, there is not a lot of neighborhood involvement now- but I intend on changing that!! I will be suggesting a directory, block party and an increase in our beautification efforts! I am excited to meet new neighbors and see what we can all accomplish. Stay tuned for updates....

Also, we are becoming bigger and bigger Colts fans! We even went to a Colts in Motion day last week, where Hanna got to meet some of the cheerleaders, take some fun pictures and get some cool stuff for Daddy. That was really fun!!

I am also feeling good these days about some projects I am trying to get done. My sister is finally moving out, after over a year...we are so proud of her and the exciting opportunities she will have with her own home. And I can't wait for the extra room. I believe we are trying to do a functional office/scrapbooking/guest room type of thing. This sounds complicated and I am sure it will take a while, but it will be so nice to have the room! I will be sure to do some before and after pictures!