Friday, November 14, 2008

Getting Involved!!

It is hard to believe that we have lived here for well over a year now, and with everyday that passes we try our best to get involved in our community. I am now taking that to a new level...I will be serving on the board for our neighborhood homeowners association! I am very excited, there is not a lot of neighborhood involvement now- but I intend on changing that!! I will be suggesting a directory, block party and an increase in our beautification efforts! I am excited to meet new neighbors and see what we can all accomplish. Stay tuned for updates....

Also, we are becoming bigger and bigger Colts fans! We even went to a Colts in Motion day last week, where Hanna got to meet some of the cheerleaders, take some fun pictures and get some cool stuff for Daddy. That was really fun!!

I am also feeling good these days about some projects I am trying to get done. My sister is finally moving out, after over a year...we are so proud of her and the exciting opportunities she will have with her own home. And I can't wait for the extra room. I believe we are trying to do a functional office/scrapbooking/guest room type of thing. This sounds complicated and I am sure it will take a while, but it will be so nice to have the room! I will be sure to do some before and after pictures!